Embark on a transformative JOURNEY into Unschooling!

Unlock the Adventure early: Exclusive Pre-Sale for "The Unschooler's Journey"

Are you ready to dive deep into the world of Unschooling and embrace a new educational adventure? I'm thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to join 'The Unschooler's Journey" at our Early Bird Pricing!


Early Bird Ends 1/31 - Regular Price: $149


'The Unschooler's Journey' is more than just a course—it’s a transformative experience designed to guide parents through the exciting, yet challenging transition to unschooling. Inspired by a fantasy adventure, this course invites you to explore and conquer five key realms essential for a successful unschooling journey. Each realm is crafted to help you develop the skills, mindset, and strategies needed to create a thriving, self-directed learning environment for your family.



When you step into The Unschooler's Journey, you become the main character. You are at the forefront of this experience. It's not about your child, it's not about your home, it's not about your family (though we'll talk about all of those things - don't worry!). This is about rediscovering your power, unleashing who you really are as a lifelong learner, curious and creative problem solver, and the ultimate advocate for your child, rediscovering that ember of yourself that was crushed by someone or something else long ago (exactly what you are working to prevent from happening or undoing for your children).

It doesn't matter how many courses you take, how many books you read, or how much learning you do about how your child learns, if you haven't done the foundational work on yourself or gone on your own hero's journey, you will continue to hit resistance, fear, and apprehension as you walk this alternate path of child led learning.

This is for you, if:

  • you strongly desire or are encouraged by the idea of unschooling, but have no clue what it looks like in the day to day.
  • deep down, be honest, you don't trust that your child is a capable learner.
  • you find yourself often comparing yours or your child's experiences to others and or are often nervous about their future successes.
  • you feel like you are constantly in a state of advocacy, advocacy burnout.
  • you don't feel like you know how to help or encourage your child to learn new things despite hours of reading coursework, etc.
  • you know it's finally time to put yourself first.

This is not for you, if:

  • you truly don't believe that unschooling is possible for your child.
  • you don't believe your past experiences matter in your approach to parenting and or you're unwilling to explore that part of your history.
  • you hate fantasy. (Sorry, this is a fun, immersive fantasy style program. If you don't vibe with that, that's okay, but you probably won't have fun with this)


If Unschooling 101 met Lord of the Rings.

Or, for my long-time followers: if Grow Your Natural Learner met Throne of Glass.

Your Journey is as Unique as You Are.

Unlike other courses and programs where all of the content and progression are pre-determined, you will create your own adventure in the Unschooler's Journey. Through an initial set of challenges and tests, you will determine:

  • your character archetype.
  • your unique set of battles.
  • the path you'll take on your customized map.
  • your unique set of rewards to achieve.
  • your support team and necessary tools.

    Once equipped, you'll set out on your journey, exploring five realms in the order predetermined by your tests and challenges:

    Completing adventures, conquering villains, and engaging in some epic healing along the way, until you approach your final battle of Self-Reflection, where you'll finally confront and heal some unresolved pieces of your past, embrace your true power, and begin your After “The End.”

    Okay, yeah, it's all a little silly sounding and fantastical, but at the core, this program is about you and your journey. Who are you as a learner? Who do you want to be for your children? What unique powers do you have to offer the world? The fantasy bits are a way to make this hard stuff feel fun, adventuresome and a tiny bit more lighthearted, because let's be real... “Conquer the Land of Adversity” sounds way cooler than “Learn how to set boundaries with your mother in law, who constantly judges your decision to homeschool and won't stop quizzing your kids.”

    Along this path, you'll receive real training from research and experience, a base of knowledge focused solely on your health and growth so you can fully show up as you desire for your family and a plethora of engaging and supportive resources to keep you focused and guide you on this journey.

What You'll Embark On...

Your Unschooler's Journey will be unique to you, as each person will design their own path through the realms inside this experience. Overall, this is what you can expect:


Introduction and Getting Started

  • Design your personal map
  • Determine your character archetype
  • Assemble your team
  • Gather your resources


Prepare for Your Journey

  • Find your "Spark"
  • Determine your path and your rewards


Fight Your Battles

  • MINDSET Realm
    Deschooling, old beliefs, identifying safe/comfort zones, educational trauma
  • ROUTINE Realm
    how to “be together”, connection, establishing needs-based routines
    dealing with unsupportive partners/family, state restrictions, boundary setting
  • PEDAGOGY Realm
    developmental awareness, whole child, how kids learn, environment, curiosities vs interests, preparing for the future, trust, autonomy/agency
  • ADVOCACY Realm
    envisioning a better world, becoming an advocate, what are you fighting FOR, what can you offer to those around you


Final Battle

  • Self-Reflection
  • Confronting your role, wasted time, apologizing and forgiving, etc.
  • What happens after “The End?"

Enroll in The Unschooler's Journey now!

Order Summary
Unschooler's Journey Course





After nearly 15 years of helping parents step confidently into the world of unschooling, this program is a beautiful meshing of the 1000s of hours of personal research, previous programs, and written trainings I've conducted, as well as the hundreds of hours of conversations I've had with real life parents like yourself, smashed together with a sprinkling of one of my favorite things: fantasy novels. My heart and soul is poured into this content. I've cried my own tears of release as I worked through the memories of my own journey, smiled until my face hurt thinking of the transformation so many families have already gone through, and shook with anticipation in releasing something new and different into this space. I hope you'll find peace, joy, healing, adventure, and excitement for the future in between the videos and pages and activities of this journey, and most of all, I hope you embrace the belief that your healing and experiences matter more than you know, to an adventurous Unschooler's Journey that is sure to make ripples in your world and beyond.

Leah McDermott, M.Ed.