Your Natural Learner

Kindergarten Curriculum

Written based on Child Development & the 8 Natural Learning Pillars

In the Your Natural Learner Pre-K/Kindergarten Curriculum, that insatiable curiosity that your child has is met at every turn. Through hands-on activities, nature and sensory exploration, and a world of themes to match every possible interest or question your child might have, you will be ever-prepared to provide a natural learning experience for your little one.

This curriculum includes...

  • 21 Themes
  • Scope & Sequence
  • Child Development Info for Parents
  • Reading List & Book Recommendations
  • Ready-to-Print
  • iOS App

Support for your natural learner with a curriculum built to work in tune with their natural development!

Twenty-One Flexible Themes
























Meet Charlie!

What a big, wide world Little Charlie, the caterpillar is discovering! They are an unbelievably curious little creature, constantly moving through nature and taking little bites out of every new thing that they see. Their mind is full of questions - What is this beautiful flower? Is that big creature dangerous? What is that sound I hear? As they inch through the world discovering new things at every turn, little do they know that they themselves are changing and growing! Pretty soon, they will form a chrysalis around their body and completely change into an almost unrecognizable new being - a beautiful butterfly!

Parents, it’s not hard to imagine our own little Preschoolers and Kindergarteners as caterpillars... moving through the world at their own pace, “nibbling” on all of the bits and pieces of knowledge and newness that they see around them! The questions come furiously - sometimes over 300 a day - in a caterpillar-like insatiable hunger for knowledge. As your child nibbles and grows on new information about the world around them through the early learning years, unbeknownst to them, they are actually doing a lot of internal changing for the new child that will emerge on the other side - just like our caterpillar friend! At the end of your child’s time in this phase, you will notice that “chrysalis” stage of their own - where they turn inward a bit to digest and make sense of everything their hands and minds have gathered over the years, to emerge as beautiful and unique butterflies ready for a new adventure!

See A Sample

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Get the Kindergarten Curriculum for free when

you enroll your child at Bridge Academy.

Pillars of Natural Learning


With true meaningful learning, we must trust that our children are inherently capable of learning everything they want and need to know when they need to know it, on precisely their own unique natural timeline.


Without motivation, there is no meaningful learning. A child must be interested in and have a reason for learning something for it to make sense and matter to their world.


The child’s environment acts as their vehicle to the world of meaningful learning. An organized and intentionally designed learning space gives your child the opportunity to engage in creative, imaginative, and investigative child-led discoveries that create the most meaningful learning experiences of all.


The child’s environment acts as their vehicle to the world of meaningful learning. An organized and intentionally designed learning space gives your child the opportunity to engage in creative, imaginative, and investigative child-led discoveries that create the most meaningful learning experiences of all.


Adults who build meaningful connection with their children create safe and secure spaces for learning to take place. Fostering connection through observation, conversation, and engagement builds your child’s confidence and independent learning skills.


A child’s daily and life rhythm is key to their meaningful learning, as the security of knowing what, when, and where to expect what’s coming next allows them to safely explore the unknowns in the world around them.


Intentionally chosen literature is a critical component of meaningful learning, as it enhances your child’s ability to connect to others, expand their ideas, and develop their own natural literacy skills.


It's important to drop your agenda and allow your child to lead! All of our resources encourage you to make room for and facilitate organic exploration and self-direction.

Check out our other curriculums & resources!

First Grade
5 - 7 years old | 9 Theme Bundle

Download a Sample

Second Grade

5 - 7 years old | 9 Theme Bundle

Third Grade
7 - 9 years old | 3 Themes Available

Fourth Grade
8 - 10 years old | 1 Theme Available

Fifth Grade
10 and up | Themes Being Written

Morning Invitations

Seasonal Calendar with 365+ Activities!